Senior/Lead Pastor

First Baptist Church Winnsboro | Winnsboro, TX

Posted Date 3/17/2025

First Baptist Church, Winnsboro, Texas


The Pastor of First Baptist Church, Winnsboro, TX is to uphold the spiritual, personal, and character qualifications of 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, and 1 Peter 5:1-3.  He should also exhibit the fruit of the Spirit as found in Galatians 5:22-23.  


He shall serve as the shepherd leader and overseer of the church, feeding, leading, and nourishing the sheep (1 Peter 5:2-3) while leading the church to fulfill the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:34-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20).


He will hold to the doctrinal beliefs of the Southern Baptist Convention as stated in the Baptist Faith and Message (2000).  He will also cooperate with local, state, and denominational leaders in matters of mutual interest and concern.


Qualifications and Experience:


  • Committed to, experienced in, and gifted in Gospel-centered expository preaching
  • Holds a Master of Divinity degree from a seminary or similar pastoral and theological training
  • Preferably has a minimum of five years of experience in full-time pastoral ministry or similar ministry experience


Duties and Responsibilities:


  • Give proper attention to his Lord, his family, and himself, including disciplined time in prayer and Bible study.  He should manage his pastoral responsibilities to allow reasonable time with his family, to provide occasions for personal relaxation, and to provide opportunities for personal growth through study and service
  • Proclaim the Word of God, including the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and exhibit a commitment to the whole counsel of God, unafraid to speak biblical truth into cultural issues
  • Provide leadership, vision, and training for the church, defining strategic goals and directing plans for evangelism and care ministries, while working in unison and one accord with the church body, lay leaders, and both paid and volunteer staff
  • Show a commitment to corporate, family, and personal discipleship, desiring believers to continually mature in their relationship with Christ while modeling what it looks like to grow as a disciple of Jesus, increasingly imitating Him in all of life
  • Lead and model effective evangelism practices
  • Serve as chairman of the Church Council (as defined in the Operational Handbook) to lead in planning, coordinating, and evaluating the total church initiative 
  • Serve as ex officio non-voting member of all committees
  • Lead in the planning and development of the worship services alongside the church staff, including the observance of the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper and the leading of ordination services 
  • Act as the moderator of all church meetings, which may be delegated 
  • Facilitate pastoral care ministry for the church body through the visitation of the hospitalized, sick, home-bound, or grieving and officiate weddings and funerals
  • Provide counseling within the parameter of expertise and make referrals to competent individuals/agencies when needed
  • Train and lead the deacon body in their biblical responsibilities 
  • Oversee church discipline
  • Oversee an on-going New Member Class/Orientation
  • Prepare the annual Pastoral Ministries budget and administer these funds as approved
  • Keep the church informed of denominational developments and represent the church in denominational and civic matters
  • Remain accountable to God in all areas of service and leadership and then to the First Baptist Church body who will defer to the Personnel Committee as needed


Please note the deadline for all applications is April 2, 2025

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