Hopewell Baptist Church is prayerfully seeking its next pastor. Established in 1826, we are located
in a rural area near Springfield, TN just north of Nashville. Hopewell is a theologically conservative
church that adheres to the Baptist Faith & Message (2000) and is searching for a pastor with the
gifts to provide biblical teaching that aligns with those beliefs. Hopewell is mission-minded and
expects our next pastor to have the same missionary spirit. With a multigenerational congregation,
our next pastor must be able to relate well to a variety of people, exercise leadership
characteristics, and faithfully provide wisdom and/or guidance to any area of church activity. The
ideal candidate would have at least 5 years pastoral experience and a minimum of a seminary
degree from a Southern Baptist (or theologically like-minded) seminary. Resumes and/or questions
may be sent to pastorsearch@hopewellbaptisttn.com. Resumes accepted through March 31, 2025.