Senior Pastor

Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church | Alexandria, KY

Posted Date 2/03/2025

Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church, Alexandria, KY, is prayerfully seeking a bi-vocational senior pastor.

We are a small congregation with potential and in need of the man God has called to lead us into a new season of ministry.  PRBC was established in 1854 and desires to continue that calling for the community. We are in Campbell County at 11212 Lees Road.

The pastor shall serve as the chief under-shepherd and overseer of this local church, feeding, leading, and nurturing the sheep.  The pastor's main responsibilities will be to communicate God's word, minister to spiritual needs, and provide leadership to the church. The job description is on file in the church office, and available on request. An ordained pastor who affirms the Baptist Faith and Message 2000, with a seminary degree is preferred.

We are looking for a man of God that preaches the Word without compromise.  Pleasant Ridge Baptist has a history of being devoted to the in-depth study of God's word.

Interested candidates should send resumes to by May 31, 2025.

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