Candidates for this position must:
(1) Have made a profession of faith in Jesus coupled with a Biblical baptism.
(2) Demonstrate the reality of that relationship through their life and testimony.
(3) Sense a call from God to pastoral ministry.
(4) Meet all the qualifications of an elder according to 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9.
(5) Have past experience in music ministry and/or leading worship in the church.
Candidates for this position must:
(1) Adhere to the Southern Baptist Faith and Message.
(2) Be willing to undergo a background check.
(3) Be willing to become a member of Dorcas Baptist Church.
Function and Duties:
1. Responsibilities related to Music Ministry:
Regular Leadership
- Lead Sunday morning worship in song.
Regular Behind the Scenes
- Oversee the song selection for the weekly worship set, knowing DBC is committed to a blended worship style (both hymns / contemporary music).
- Schedule what weeks the band and/or choir will be playing, giving the teams ample time for practice and preparation.
- Develop and shepherd the individuals that are on the various music ministry teams
(Contemporary band, traditional and choir).
- Submit a Music Ministry annual budget request to the Pastor and Treasurer.
2. Responsibilities related to Youth (if applicable):
Regular Group Activities
- Midweek: Plan, advertise, and lead the weekly youth gathering on Wednesday night.
- Sunday: Plan, advertise, and make sure there is leadership for students.
- Events: Plan & execute youth/community events (Game nights, retreats, outreaches, etc.).
Congregational Care
- Students: Attend extra-curricular activities (sporting events, concerts, etc.)
Keep in regular communication with students to know present needs & struggles.
- Parents: Come alongside parents by assisting and aiding them to minister to their children.
- Volunteers: Work alongside a team of volunteers that will help in the youth ministry program.
Enlist and train to further develop said team.
- Submit a Youth Ministry annual budget request to the Pastor and Treasurer.
3. Additional Pastoral Ministry Duties
- Occasional preaching on Sunday morning
- Attend weekly Staff Meeting
- Attend Quarterly Church Council Meetings
4. Salary
- $12,500 (Music)
- $12,500 (Youth)
- $25,000 (Music and Youth)
- Parsonage possibly available (utilities not included)
Please send your resume to cwlaster24@gmail.com