Buck Grove Baptist Church near Ekron, KY., is seeking a Director of Youth Ministry for part time employment, (20-24 hours per week), encoumpassed by our mission statement, "Glorifying God by changing lives for Christ". Candidates should be compassionate, self-motivated and energenic. Experience and ability in leading youth is preferred. Candidates must be a baptized believer in Jesus Christ who is already active in a church.
Buck Grove is affiliated with the Kentucky Baptist and Southern Baptist Conventions. Our statement of faith is the Baptist Faith & Message 2000. Candidates should align with these values and beliefs.
Resumes may be mailed to Buck Grove Baptist Church, 255 Buck Grove Road, Ekron, KY 40117 or emailed to bgbcyouthdirector@gmail.com. To request a detailed job description, please use the same email address or call (270)828-2717.
If you have questions, you can contact the pastor, Corey Young, 502-619-1195.