Inez First Baptist Church, a traditional and conservative Southern Baptist Church, is prayerfully seeking an experienced pastor whom God is preparing and calling for us.
IFBC, located in eastern Kentucky in downtown Inez, is a member of Enterprise Association and the state Kentucky Baptist association.
IFBC has been a strong foundation of ministry for well over one hundred years. Presently, we are predominately a middle to older aged congregation averaging 50-55 attendance on Sunday morning and an average of 20 for Wednesday night prayer meeting.
We expect candidates to stand firm on the sanctity of human life, the sacredness of marriage between one man and one woman, and the fundamental freedom to express our faith in the public arena.
If called, our church financial representatives will discuss compensation packages to meet pastor individual needs. We do supply a nice four bedroom home as part of the package and it is located in town close to the church.
Resumes and cover letter including references, along with a videoed sermon can be sent to Mailed information may be sent to Inez First Baptist Church, PO Box 302, Inez, KY 41224. Contact: Jimmy Horn, Chair, Search Committee
The ideal candidate for Inez First Baptist must be willing to adhere to the following job descriptors as outlined by the church.
- Supports and adheres to the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.
- Licensed and ordained as a minister of the Gospel of Southern Baptist Churches.
- Possesses proven character and integrity, maintains a vital personal relationship with the Lord through daily Bible study and prayer, and have proper priorities at home with family, exhibiting an example of a Godly balanced life.
- Plans and conducts worship services, develops sermons, plans with music leadership and leads in the observance of church ordinances.
- Leads the congregation in the effective programs to fulfill the Great Commission with vision, purpose, and priority.
- Leads and demonstrates effective ways to witness and win the lost to salvation through Jesus Christ.
- Visits and ministers to members and prospective members in homes, nursing care facilities, and hospitals.
- Serves to recommend and advise committees and teams as an ex-officio member.
- Oversees, along with deacons, all church discipline matters and the management of conflict issues in the church to keep unity within the church.
10.Communicates with the congregation through articles of announcements, written and spoken, using church newsletter, bulletins, worship services, One Call service and church messenger site.
11.Gives full Biblical support to the undesignated budget of the church.
12.Adheres to the church bylaws and policies and procedures adopted by the church.
13.Cooperates with association, state, and denominational leaders in matters of mutual interest and concern; keep the church informed of denominational development; and represent the church in civic matters relative to the church.
14.Serve in any other duties and or capacities as may be needed by the church