
Long Run Baptist Church of Louisville | Louisville, KY

Posted Date 7/22/2024

Co-Lead Pastor:

Long Run Baptist Church is seeking a pastor to cooperate in leading and shepherding our congregation. Our church is moving from a solo pastor model to a plurality of pastors/edlers model of ministry. We are looking for an additional bi-vocational pastor who can shepherd our flock alongside our current pastor. The pastor will need to be comfortable in sharing authority and influence over the congregation. The pastor will also need to be able to share and delegate responsibilities of preaching, teaching, discipling, administrating and more with the current pastor.


The position is paid ($300.00-350.00 per week) with a 3 bedroom 1 bathroom parsonage included. 

Position Profile:


  • Fulfill the qualifications found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 & Titus 1:5-9.
  • Display a genuine love for God and the congregation.
  • A vibrant relationship with Jesus with an ongoing pursuit of holiness.
  • Highly relational and possesses the ability to lead others.
  • The gift of teaching as demonstrated by experience.
  • Be a Servant Leader who desires to serve others rather than be served.
  • Be Faithful, Available and Teachable.
  • Be faithful to live in communion with the Spirit and display the fruit of the Spirit.

Responsibilities (Shared among the pastors/elders of the church and will be delegated as necessary):

  • Develop/champion the Long Run values, vision, mission, and culture with elders, deacons, staff, and members to facilitate “Long Run DNA” throughout the entire church (e.g. encourage involvement in church wide events).
  • Pray with, meet with, and lead the deacons and staff of Long Run alongside the other pastors/elders of Long Run. (includes monthly meetings).
  • Meet weekly with other pastors/elders of Long Run for prayer, administrative and leadership decision making, and the delegation of teaching and preaching responsibilities.
  • Meet quarterly with the Long Run personnel committee alongside other pastors/elders of Long Run.
  • Lead, preach, and teach in the Sunday services alongside other pastors/elders.
  • Lead and teach the weekday bible studies, discipleship groups, and Wednesday night meetings alongside the other pastors/elders of Long Run.
  • Oversee church fellowship, children’s ministry, youth ministry, and outreach events alongside other pastors/elders (e.g. potlucks and VBS).
  • Be intentional to build relationships with members of Long Run in order to shepherd the flock.*
  • Identify, recruit, and develop elders, deacons, and volunteers for the work of ministry.
  • Lead and model outreach and evangelism for church members to reach the lost in the East Louisville community.
  • Lead and model a life of discipleship for church members.
  • Provide pastoral care (weddings, funerals, baptisms, parent/child dedications, hospital visits, and counseling) for lay and pastoral members alongside the other pastors/elders of Long Run.
  • Work with the other pastors/elders and finance committee to manage the church budget. 

What does success look like:

  • Long Run experiences spiritual growth through: 
    • Faithfully preaching and teaching the Bible.
    • Discipling and investing in church members. 
    • Sharing the Gospel with lost people.
    • Praying for the health and needs of the church. 
    • Worshiping God in the power of the Spirit and truth of his word.
    • Participation in the communal life of the church: Sunday School, Bible studies, prayer and fellowship meetings, and more. 
    • Living intentionally on mission for God.

Interest Information:

Please submit cover letters, resumes, and references to


Salary300.00 - 350.00 Week
Part Time/Bi-Vocational
Avg Worship Attendance?

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